Monday, May 20, 2024

from stripper to london escorts and all my adventures in-between

I am not sure that I actually set out to be a London escort, but the idea of the adult entertainment sort of appealed to me. There are plenty of London escorts services at Charlotte Escorts Available Girls, but I did not start off in the industry. Instead, I started off as a stripper, and had kind of a rocky road before I finally joined a London escorts services. At times, I did not have a clue what was going on in my life.

After I had beens tripping for a while, I met this guy in the club. He was in his 40’s and at the time I was 19 years old. I know that I was not that street savvy, and I must have looked a picture of naivety and innocence. However, he kind of took me under his wing, and my road to London escorts began. Little did I know that it would take me five years to get my first job with London escorts, but I did finally get there.

Anyway, with thanks to my the man I know called my “adult sponsor” I ended up working as an adult model. Compared to stripping for a living, it was great and I even got a chance to travel. My photographer thought I had a great personality, and kept telling me that I would do well working for a London escorts service. But I did not want to upset my sponsor, and carried with my adult photography work. It did not pay that well, but I did get a lot of financial help from my sponsor who I now lived with in London.

London escorts flashed in and out of my head a couple of times, and as we went out to clubs a lot, I did realise many of the glamorous girls we met in clubs, were London escorts. They sort of reminded me of butterflies by the way they fluttered around, and I soon realised these girls did really well for themselves. I tried  not to be envious, instead I appreciated everything I had in my life at the time. It was not too bad, and I did actually enjoy the company of my sponsor.

Time seemed to fly past, and before I knew it, I was 22 years old. My sponsor, who was really my Sugar Daddy, had not been very well, and three months before my 23rd birthday, he died of a heart attack. It was a real shock to the system, and I did not know what to do with myself. I thought I was going to be without a home, but to my surprise, my Sugar Daddy had left me his flat in his will and some money. He must have loved me a lot without saying as much. I figured out that I was not going to make enough money as a model, so I applied to London escorts. My modeling career had not done me any harm, and it was not long before I was dating gents for London escorts.

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